Monday, November 10, 2008

Seven (7) elements of design.

What are seven (7) elements of design?

1. Color: Which includes the following
hue, intensity, color wheel: primary, secondary, tertiary, complementary, monochromatic, warm/cool, neutral

2. Value: Which includes the following
shades, tints, light, highlight, shadow, reflected light, cast shadow

3. Line: Which includes the following
vertical, horizontal, diagonal, straight, curved, parallel

4. Shape: Which includes the following
geometric: two-dimensional, circle, oval, oblong, various polygons

5. Form: Which includes the following
three-dimensional, sphere, cube, pyramid, cone, cylinder, realistic, abstract

6. Texture: Which includes the following
actual, simulated, flat, smooth, shiny, glossy, glittery, velvety, feathery, soft, wet, gooey, furry, sandy, leathery, crackled, prickly, rough, bumpy, puffy, rusty, slimy

7. Space: Which includes the following
depth, positive, negative, background, foreground, middle ground, overlapping, vanishing point, baseline, horizon line

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