Saturday, January 24, 2009

Clef in Musical Notation

A Clef is one of many symbols that gives the pitch of any one of the five lines in the musical staff. For instance, the treble clef marks the second line of the musical staff as G. All the other pitches fall into place according to that line.

The clefs that are used most often are the treble clef and the bass clef.

The treble clef is also known as a G clef because it looks like a fancy G. The treble clef circles the second line of the musical staff to tell you that it is G. All other notes fall on the other lines and spaces accordingly.

The bass clef handles the lower range of notes. It is also called an F clef because it came from an old fashion F symbol that looks like an F. The bass clef marks the fourth line of the musical staff as F. All other notes fall on the other lines and spaces accordingly.

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